Études de cas Infrastructure2024-03-18T09:24:44+00:00

Secugrid® Combigrid® – Gardens by the Bay – Singapore 

Singapore is one of the most densely populated places in the world. Green space on this tightly developed island comes at a premium, but it has become the mission of this Asian city-state to transform itself into a truly green, world city. The impressive Gardens by the Bay installation is the result: a 101ha spread of botanical gardens, forestry, walking trails and waterway views in the heart of Singapore. It’s built on land reclaimed from the sea, and geosynthetics from Naue have played a major role in bringing this garden vision to life.

juin 5, 2023|

Bentofix® – Penilee Park Drainage Basins – UK

As part of the Hillington and Cardonald Surface Water Management Plan (SWMP), construction works have been carried out at Penilee; a small housing scheme and suburb on the western outskirts of Glasgow, Scotland, bounded to its east by the Glasgow suburbs of Cardonald and Hillington, with the Renfrewshire border and Paisley suburbs to the west.

mai 31, 2023|

Combigrid® Secugrid® – Electric vehicle battery gigafactory

Naue have supplied Combigrid® and Secugrid® products for use in the construction of working platforms, to support piling and crane operations, during construction of a gigafactory which will span 50 hectares of land at the International Advanced Manufacturing Park (IAMP) in the north east of England, on the border between South Tyneside and Sunderland.

mai 31, 2023|

Secumat® – Al Batinah Expressway – Oman

The Al Batinah expressway is a strategic infrastructure project which connects Muscat expressway with the border crossing at Khatmat Malaha to the United Arab Emirates. The expressway is a meaningful connection; it passes close to the highly frequented port of Sohar, which manages more than a million tons of sea freight weekly.

mai 31, 2023|

Secumat® Green – Budapest Spike Hall – Hungary 

The Spike Hall is a modern, spectacular, versatile sports centre that hosts cultural events, concerts, and exhibitions. This sports facility is located in the XIth district of Budapest near the Danube River. The complex was inaugurated in the year 2014. The building is characterised by 84 glass pyramid „spike“ skylights, each six metres high, installed in the centre of the steel roof structure, allowing natural light into the hall over an area of 42 × 18 metres. This building is of great interest to the public; it is a visual focus for the people and serves as a meeting point in their free time.

mai 31, 2023|

Secutex® – Heideradweg from Turnow to Weichensdorf – Germany 

With the construction of the Heideradweg, the district of Spree-Neiße is supporting nature-based and sustainable tourism in the region. The cycle path is a project of the International Nature Exhibition Lieberoser Heide. It is intended in particular to link adjacent projects of the International Nature Exhibition in terms of content. The total length, including roads that have already been upgraded, is approximately 23.6 kilometres. Most of the cycle path runs along the former Cottbus-Frankfurt (Oder) railway line - Lot 1. In the south, it borders on various long-distance cycle paths, and in Oelsen it is to be connected to the existing long-distance cycle path network in the future.

mai 30, 2023|

Secugrid® Combigrid® – Hervey Bay Airport – Australia

Fraser Coast Regional Council (FCRC) undertook a runway assessment of its Hervey Bay Airport facility in November 2014, as part of its airport master planning initiative. The investigation and report were compiled by GHD and presented to Council in December 2014. Conclusions from the report indicated that the runway was approaching its useful life expectancy and deterioration was as per the predicted wear rate. However, increased traffic from medium passenger jets could increase the rate of wear and decrease the predicted life span.

mai 30, 2023|

Combigrid® Secugrid® – RHS Garden Bridgewater – UK

At the historic site of the Royal Horticultural Society’s fifth Garden at Worsley, Greater Manchester, Naue Geosynthetic’s Combigrid® and Secugrid® products were used to create a layered geogrid-reinforced piling mat in preparation for construction of the new visitor centre or ‘Welcome Building’.

mai 26, 2023|
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