Setting new sustainable standards

From climate change and the need to reduce the carbon footprint to the transformation of urban infrastructure and the preservation of biodiversity: Naue has recognized the signs of the times. Our ESG* policy lives up to this realization. With our innovative products and system solutions, we are pursuing the goal of setting new sustainable standards for global infrastructure – for an environment worth living in, for healthy living conditions and for a sensible way of doing business together.

* ESG = Environmental, Social, Governance (environmental, social, corporate governance)


such as environmental or development progress

Naue has been committed to a healthy environment since the company was founded. Our geotechnical solutions have been protecting the environment from emissions during waste disposal in landfills for decades. We always base our product developments on this responsibility. In order to do justice to this today for tomorrow, we are also rethinking.

That is why we have developed a completely new product line – our GreenLine – which is fully bio-based and biodegradable. We are also currently working on the EcoLine product line. With this, we want to realize the entry into the circular economy.


such as social or meaningful

The climate crisis has woken up societies around the world. Business and politics are called upon not only to find solutions together with the citizens, but also to implement them as quickly as possible. This increasingly raises the question of meaningfulness and social added value. Because only that which is in harmony with the societies of this world will be accepted. Naue’s vision is clearly defined: “The global infrastructure is built on Naue”.

This means that, as a commercial enterprise, we know the political framework conditions in the countries of this world and we involve the local people in our projects. We plan sensible solutions for them and their immediate environment that meet their social and environmental requirements.


such as governance or basic attitude

Sustainability is on everyone’s lips. The usual vocabulary is quickly used. Is it all just a clever choice of words? How can what is said or written be verified? Naue pursues a basic attitude of openness, clarity and transparency in all its business activities.

This directly affects our employees worldwide, who experience this corporate culture on a daily basis. However, our customers and business partners are feeling this most of all. Meeting at eye level is one thing, the search for sensible, ecological and yet economical solutions is another. And in our opinion, this is precisely what characterizes responsible entrepreneurship.

The Naue ESG Policy under the banner of the SDGs

We expressly support the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations. Below we give you an insight into our ESG policy based on the 17 SDGs.

You can also find more information about Naue’s sustainable actions here:
