Civil engineering

Geosynthetics are used in all fields of civil engineering to increase the safety and life span of structures in addition to satisfying necessary functions. These may include: separation, drainage, filtration, reinforcement, protection, sealing and erosion control. Geosynthetics can either replace or augment conventional construction methods. Compared to conventional construction materials, [...]

Civil engineering2024-04-10T07:24:13+00:00

The working platform solution

The working platform solution Every year, cranes, piling rigs and rotary drill rigs fall over or become unstable due to inadequately pre-pared or maintained onsite ground conditions. These types of events can cause potential fatalities, serious injuries and cause extensive damage to equipment. Therefore temporary granular platforms are now becoming [...]

The working platform solution2023-05-10T07:54:22+00:00

Base course stabilisation and reinforcement

Geogrid mode of operation Interlocking and friction Tensile strength Tensile stiffness Radial effect Manufacture-related strain Torsional rigidity Robustness Bond efficiency Bearing capacity design methodology (Ev2 method) Serviceability design method Learning from experience Increase of frictional resistance References  

Base course stabilisation and reinforcement2023-09-14T09:29:47+00:00

Landfill Engineering

Fifty years ago, the waste stream was quite different. Organ ics were mostly recycled, composted or incinerated. Pack aging was made of wood or paper. Plastics were still largely unknown. At that time around the world as well as in Germany – where geosynthetics from Naue were born – waste [...]

Landfill Engineering2023-09-14T09:29:57+00:00

Mining and Geosynthetics

Mining and Geosynthetics How the global mining industry controls its costs and improves environmental performance The daily mining rates, scale of single-site operations, and costs associated with mining increase every year. Advances in extraction technologies have greatly increased recovery rates from ore bodies. Mine designs previously thought to be too [...]

Mining and Geosynthetics2023-11-14T06:54:01+00:00

Construction de digues

Les applications et les avantages des géosynthétiques dans les constructions de digues modernes sont nombreux. Les geosynthétiques d’étanchéitées bentonitiques (GSB) Bentofix® sont utilisées comme alternative aux étanchéités minérales en argile sur le talus de la digue du côté de l’eau ainsi que dans le lit majeur de la digue et [...]

Construction de digues2024-03-18T14:13:40+00:00

Hydraulic engineering with Geosynthetics

Hydraulic engineering with Geosynthetics Geosynthetics are used in every major sector of civil en-gineering. One that has grown substantially in importance is hydraulic engineering. Flooding, coastal erosion, more frequent and intense storms, tsunami triggered flash-floods, expected sea-level rise, natural disaster preven tion and other infrastructure concerns have prompted a call [...]

Hydraulic engineering with Geosynthetics2023-09-14T09:30:24+00:00

NAUE m³ wall systems – Gabion

NAUE m³ wall systems - Gabion The NAUE GABION system utilises Secugrid® geogrids to create reinforced soil structure with gabion facing. Secugrid® geogrids are installed between the gabion layers and anchored back into the soil. The system is highly flexible for design and installation, adjusting to project-specific soil require-ments and [...]

NAUE m³ wall systems – Gabion2023-09-14T09:23:06+00:00

NAUE m³ wall systems – Block

NAUE m³ wall systems - Block When slopes are planned with inclinations exceeding 70°, a vegetated face is usually not possible or requires significant and potentially cost-prohibitive work. These situations require stiffer facing systems, which elevates the importance of surface aesthetics to the reinforced structure. NAUE BLOCK is a Secugrid® [...]

NAUE m³ wall systems – Block2023-09-14T09:23:18+00:00

NAUE m³ wall systems – Clamp

NAUE m³ wall systems - Clamp The NAUE CLAMP Secugrid® geogrid system combines high-strength reinforcement with additional erosion protection for embank-ments, earth structures and steep slopes at inclinations up to 50°. NAUE CLAMP in-cludes the horizontal installation of Secu-grid® primary reinforcement geogrid and in specific design requirements a secondary Secugrid® [...]

NAUE m³ wall systems – Clamp2023-09-14T09:23:29+00:00
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